
The presentation of the Teachers' Learning Community (TLC)

Date; 2007/August/5 at 9:00 to 11:00
The participants;

Today, 3 TLC made presentation as an outcome of their activity for 2 years. It was very brilliant presentation and it was very dynamic. One of the supervisor said "It was very useful for us to share their experience and knowledge. I have learnt many things for the TLC. I have been working for more than 30 years as a supervisor, but I have not learnt many things like today. Thank you very much".

In fact, the presentation was very useful for the audience. Of course, there are something to be improved, however, most of the contents was interesting for the audience.

After the presentation, the presentation and audience discussed very much about the contents. The parts of the activity of TLC was not new for some supervisors, however, it was good trial that the teachers produce the educational material and cooperate to produce it. So far, the teacher was receiver. The teachers receiver the information, methodology, knowledge, skill, everything from supervisors and trainers. However in the activity the TLC, teachers take initiative and innovate by themselves. Thought their activity and work were not new for the audience, it is meaningful and worth that they produced them and they tool initiative.

There are many perspectives about the TLC, however, most of teachers said that it was very useful to collaborate with other teachers to create educational material and solve the problem together. We took interview from 13 teachers about the TLC so that we will introduce their feed back later.

Reported By Mako and Taka

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